Zmajeva deklica Pravljica za vse starosti Sat, 24 Feb 2018 17:58:57 +0000 sl-SI hourly 1 Članek iz revije Zarja: Nazaj k zmaju Tue, 20 Feb 2018 12:28:57 +0000 Deset let je minilo od izida njene prve knjige Prebujanje v dušo, ki nas je spomnila na dve svetovni knjižni uspešnici, po obeh je bil posnet tudi film: Dama s kamelijami ter Jej, moli, ljubi. Zmajeva deklica (napisala sta jo skupaj z možem), ki nas nagovarja, da tako kot Mateja ne nehamo iskati svojega zmaja, in ko ga najdemo, svoje izkustvo posredujemo naprej. Tako počne ona, ženska, ki je prepotovala velik del sveta, ki samozavestno in pogumno stopa pred občinstvo s svojo resnico. Pomembnejša od zunanjih so zanjo notranja potovanja. Blizu ji je Jungova misel: “Vseeno mi je, ali mi rečejo, da sem dober ali slab. Pomembno mi je, da sem celovit.”

Vaša, pogosto tudi “terapevtska” vprašanja, ki jih sogovornikom zastavljate na literanih večerih in v intervjujih, jim ponudijo priložnost, da se zagledajo v drugi luči. Kako se odzovejo nanje?

Gostje se zelo dobro odzovejo na takšne poglobljene pogovore in tudi občinstvo je navdušeno. Očitno nam vsem manjka iskrene in odprte  komunikacije, ki sega tudi v globine našega bivanja. Včasih mi gostje rečejo: »Kako si pa to izvlekla iz mene?« Psihoterapevt Miran Možina je povedal, da ga izgube vržejo na tla in da je med svojo najhujšo krizo, ki jo je doživel ob ločitvi od druge žene, skušal zgolj zdržati iz ure v uro, iz diha v dih. Režiser Metod Pevec je razkril, da je v puberteti medtem, ko so njegovi prijatelji igrali nogomet, nekje v ozadju zibal otroški voziček s sestrico. Počutil se je kot najstnica, ki je pri štirinajstih zanosila, rodila in skrbela za dojenčka. Pisatelj Feri Lainšček je podelil, da je kot otrok kradel s ciganskimi vrstniki, da se najbolj boji samote in da navdih za pisanje med drugim črpa tudi iz polja kolektivnega nezavednega, o katerem je pisal Jung.

Ste zadovoljni s tem, kar počnete? Je kje še kaj, kar si želite?

Zame je pomembno, da počnem stvari, ki so mi blizu in v katere verjamem. Življenje bo pokazalo, kam mi je namenjeno priti. Zdi se mi, da bo nova knjiga Zmajeva deklica, ki sva jo napisala s Haijem, odprla nove poti, morda tudi v tujini. Prevedena je v nizozemščino, tam morava najti še založnika zanjo. Že nekaj ljudi je reklo, da je zgodba čudovit material za risanko, predstavo ali film. Če bi se kdo lotil katerega od omenjenih projektov, bi z veseljem sodelovala.

Pri nas bo Zmajeva deklica marca izšla pri založbi Chiara. S katerimi besedami bi jo v roke položili našim bralkam?

Zmajeva deklica je pravljica za vse starosti. Zmaj v njej simbolizira dušo, brezčasen in večen del nas. Zgodba vas bo peljala na notranje potovanje, na katerem boste mnoge prepoznale izzive, s katerimi se soočate, dele sebe, ki jih ne sprejemate, sanje, ki bi jih želele uresničiti. Spodbuja vas, da prisluhnete notranjemu glasu, ki vas bo vodil k vašemu zmaju.

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How to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) Your Website Content Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:23:34 +0000 In today’s digital marketplace, one of the biggest challenges for businesses is to generate quality leads. Marketing is not only about creating a lovely logo or distributing brochures. GrowthPress delivers marketing campaigns that help drive awareness about your business, generate leads and ultimately quality sales.

Most people around the world may not nor do not care about your brand name. You might already know this, but GrowthPress can allow you to reach out to those people who do care about your products and services. We help develop assets and strategies that your prospects will love to see. Your business does not need a lot of leads; it needs quality leads that will convert into sales. By working with you and your sales goals, we assess and qualify the right leads to help you generate actual revenue.

GrowthPress is one of the top digital media company offering clients a wide range of lead generation services for your Marketing WordPress Theme website. It helps you improve your marketing ROI, and you can concentrate on your core business rather than developing leads to keep your business floating and beating competitors at the same time. We offer a competitive edge over your competitors so that you can generate revenue faster and consistently.

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How do I Sell Affiliate Products to My Customers Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:13:19 +0000 The selling cycle today do not stop once the sale is made. There is an ongoing conversation between a company and its customers on social media. Most of the conversations happening here are focussed on engagement and advocacy. It is one of the top priorities for brand strategy, and it is important for all modern companies to create a social landscape and deliver a valuable experience for its customers.

GrowthPress helps create a complex social media landscape by publishing content that encourages relevant conversation and participation by your customers. It is seen that great content gets shared much more than the ones that are just plain simple. We create a brand message through customer analysis to find what the audience is interested in. We would then identify what your customers are saying, where they are saying and the reason behind it. It would allow us to deepen the relationship and influence more sales.

All the social media content that we create is authentic to deliver the best results. Every Marketing WordPress Theme strategy that we take will increase your brand’s pivotal role and maximize the return on investment. Since social happens in real time, we ensure that our tools identify the growing trend that aligns with your brand and then engages your audience.

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How to Develop a Content Strategy Guide Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:02:50 +0000 Search Engine Optimization or SEO is much more than understanding the ranking factors that influence Google results. It is also about understanding what people are looking for based on their search, the different devices they use for the search and their location. SEO is about providing quality user experience to your clients. 

GrowthPress focuses on conducting in-depth research on your customers, your competitors, and your search engine landscape. Using this, we create the right SEO strategy that helps you achieve your goals. Search engines are constantly evolving to reflect the complex human behavior. Thus, developing SEO strategy for your Marketing WordPress Theme website has also dramatically changed and just using the right keywords and content is not enough. There is a need for deeper focus and provide a complete user experience.  

Once we have a total understanding of your audience, our SEO consultants work closely with you to create a strategy and increase the performance of your website as quickly as possible. By providing you with weekly SEO reports, you can check the performance of your website over time. We also review the strategy after every few weeks to ensure that we are on the right track. Hiring an expert like us is no longer an option if you want to stand out, it is a must!

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Turning Leads In Your Sales Funnel and Customers Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:00:49 +0000 Content marketing is on the rise and has taken over other traditional forms of marketing. One of the excellent ways to manage websites and blog is through WordPress. It also offers many different features to marketers to promote their website or contents effectively. While in the past, WordPress themes were pretty basic to support simple content website for beginners, they have become quite sophisticated over time.

Marketing WordPress theme websites are SEO focussed and responsive ensuring that the content can be easily looked up by the consumers.  The search engines perform much better when the contents are written on the basis of specific keywords. Advanced plugins by WordPress such as Yoast SEO allow marketers to optimize their page to get better search results.

WordPress is much more than just an interface to create a website or a blog. Marketing WordPress theme allows marketers to use many advanced features such as email integration, social media plugins, forms, product catalogs and much more to add functionality to the users.

Content marketing is nothing but offering users value. It is not just about traffic but about generating the right traffic, and it is content marketing that can make it happen. WordPress theme allows marketers to reach out to prospective users and generate effective leads.

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Get a Start on Digital Brand Management With our Free Book Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:00:39 +0000 Having a WordPress blog is one of the best ways to have fun blogging and also turning your passion into profit by monetizing your blog. With patience, interest, and dedication, you too can earn $2453 monthly through your WordPress blog. While it may be a lot less at the start, you should be able to make that much money within a couple of years. 

The first thing that you need to do is to pick a blog topic that interests you. You may not have authority over it but pick something that you will not get bored with. Also, do not let the initial topic define what you write; you can always experiment with new topics and ideas moving forward. 

You need to buy a domain for your WordPress blog, ensure that you choose competitive domains with the .com extension. Pick a domain name depending on your needs. You can choose it to be all about you or you can create a brand that is entirely different from yourself. Keep the domain name short and easy to type so that it is easier for people to find you. 

The key to generating $2453 in monthly revenue is to start now and gain momentum before anyone else.

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How to Optimize Website: Google Analytics, AdWords & SEO Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:59:29 +0000 Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to promote products. Affiliate programs have been around for years and are one of the top pay-for-performance types of system. From large corporations and smaller ones, many use this internet-based practice to increase their sales.  GrowthPress offers Affiliate Marketing solutions to our clients who wish to advertise their products or services online on website with excellent marketing wordpress theme. Using our marketing strategies, we ensure that your business is marketed at the right platforms whereby increasing lead generation and ultimately sales.

GrowthPress have a vast network of affiliates and merchants, and we ensure that everyone in the system is benefitted. We shall recruit profitable affiliates or retailer for you depending on your industry, analyze your affiliate ads and the traffic you get through it. The entire program will be managed by us on your behalf so that you can spend time on the operational side of your business.

Having a large affiliate chain will help you increase your brand awareness online so that you can get the right kind of attention from them and ultimately build a loyal customer base with increased profits. Our highly competitive prices allow you to avail our services without burning a hole in your pocket.

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A Great Mind and Excellent Growth Hacking Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:59:09 +0000 Using our transparent and collaborative approach to work, we cultivate long-term and successful relationships with our clients. We work with small, medium and big business and spend time in understanding their goals and the challenges they are looking to overcome. By considering our clients’ products and services as our own, we create digital campaigns that bring in excellent services to ensure that our clients enjoy working with us. We create efficient and customer-driven strategies that connect with people, generate leads and complete user experience that people love to use.
GrowthPress services are designed to make the most of the opportunities and the challenges that the brands are facing today. When you work with us, you are working with a carefully selected team of brand-creators, digital strategists, designers, content crafters, coding experts and marketing geniuses to deliver the most efficient experiences to our clients. Together, we empower brands to seize online marketing opportunities and solve business challenges. We also provide tangible results and measurable long-term value to our clients.

From humble beginnings to a full-service digital company, we have the will to drive change and push boundaries to allow our clients to realize their digital fortunes. Ambitious, bold and forward-thinking – GrowthPress has been on the forefront of the internet revolution, and we create the future of big brands by empowering them in the digital world. Openness and transparency are the cornerstones of our customer service to bring incredible results. Using the latest design and technology in marketing WordPress theme, we have everything that you need for your business to thrive in this digital world.

Whether you are looking for a complete digital marketing solution or want to stay ahead of your competitors, GrowthPress can help you. From SEO to Growth Hacking, our team can help you create a successful campaign for your brand. Our experts work closely with you and your team to understand your digital goals so that we can deliver excellent results and on time. We specialize in digital marketing solutions and do not waste your time with anything else or promise something we cannot provide.

Here at GrowthPress, we appreciate the goals of our clients. The world of digital marketing can be confusing and crazy, and we can guide you through the best tools to achieve your online objectives. If you want to work with true marketing WordPress theme specialists and the sharpest minds in the industry, get in touch with us today, and you will not be any happier!

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How the Instagram Works (And How to Make it Work For You) Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:57:11 +0000 Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to promote products. Affiliate programs have been around for years and are one of the top pay-for-performance types of system. From large corporations and smaller ones, many use this internet-based practice to increase their sales.  GrowthPress offers Affiliate Marketing solutions to our clients who wish to advertise their products or services online on website with excellent marketing wordpress theme. Using our marketing strategies, we ensure that your business is marketed at the right platforms whereby increasing lead generation and ultimately sales.

GrowthPress have a vast network of affiliates and merchants, and we ensure that everyone in the system is benefitted. We shall recruit profitable affiliates or retailer for you depending on your industry, analyze your affiliate ads and the traffic you get through it. The entire program will be managed by us on your behalf so that you can spend time on the operational side of your business.

Having a large affiliate chain will help you increase your brand awareness online so that you can get the right kind of attention from them and ultimately build a loyal customer base with increased profits. Our highly competitive prices allow you to avail our services without burning a hole in your pocket.

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Marketing WordPress theme as a foundation for effective content marketing Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:54:02 +0000 Growth Hacking is one of the top marketing strategies used by companies of all sizes, especially the start-ups. It allows the nascent companies to compete with the more established brands even with a little budget. Growth Hacking services by GrowthPress allow clients to embrace unconventional tactics to generate brand awareness and increase user adoption.  

A well-executed growth hacking marketing plan involves creating an integrated plan that helps in new conversations. It helps create qualified leads making it easier for the sales people to accelerate their growth. It is all about generating revenue and driving the growth of the company.  

Unlike traditional marketing techniques, growth hacking of marketing wordpress theme is more technical in nature and need proper knowledge of the digital tools and internet business. The primary goal of growth hacking services is to ensure rapid growth of the company by offering the customers’ value based customer service and using viral scales to appeal to the social users. We analyze the consumer behavior online and use the knowledge to boost the sales of the products of our clients. Using creative business plans, we stimulate the conversations that contribute to the business growth. 

If you are in need of developing and delivering growth hacking marketing plan for your business, GrowthPress can help you achieve it.

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